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7 Steps for a Highly Successful Digital Ad Campaign

Published on
December 28, 2019
Last Updated
minute read
Jason Sievert
Jason Sievert
Head of Marketing
/ Founder

Don’t throw away money, create your ad campaigns with close attention to every detail and nurture your campaigns with care. Take the time to study and develop your target audience, measure success (and failure), make constant improvements throughout the campaign, and set up a proper follow-up strategy.

7 steps for a highly successful digital ad campaign

1. Set campaign goals

Do you want conversions, site visits, followers, likes, calls, etc? It’s always wise to decide what your main goal is going to be in your digital ad campaign. A campaign without clear goals is set up for failure from the get-go. With each of these goals, there are various steps you will have to take in order for your digital ad campaign to be successful.

2. Define your target market

What types of patients do you want to target? If you are running an aesthetic medical practice, this step should be relatively simple. As a doctor or practice manager, you should have a very good idea of your demographic and it should be easy to define your target market. A successful digital ad campaign has a well-defined audience that is carefully crafted by you.

3. Develop buyer personas

Create a buyer persona for your practice. Describe this patient in detail – what they do for a living, their family situation, annual income, age, likes and dislikes. When creating buyer personas for your medical practice, you should consider your patient’s demographics, goals, and online behavior. Creating these takes time, practice, and patience to get them just right – but it’s a vital step very much worth doing.

4. Determine your budget

For any digital ad campaign, you will need to come up with a budget. This is one of the most crucial parts of an effective campaign yet is still often overlooked by doctors. Setting a realistic budget will save you a lot of stress in the future. Your budget will serve as your basis on what to do with your marketing efforts. Keep in mind that digital ads are one of the least expensive forms of advertising.

5. Choose your channels

In your digital ad campaign, you will probably want to utilize as many channels as possible that make sense for your medical practice marketing. You can advertise on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even Pinterest. Google Ads are popular as well and can help with SEO as well. Look back at your target market and buyer persona to determine where your ideal patient spends their time online to determine the best platform(s) for your digital ads.

6. Create your ads

Once your research is completed and your goals are set, you can jump into creating your ad campaign. Wherever you decide to advertise (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter) you will need to create an engaging ad that resonates with your audience. Then start by naming your campaign, set your budget, set your target audience, and finally add the images and copy that resonates with your audience.

7. Set up remarketing

Remarketing is a tool that you should be using throughout your digital ad campaign. It’s a great strategy for capturing sales that you might have otherwise lost. If a patient browses your services but does not make a purchase you can target them with social media ads, Google Ads or even emails. This strategy should be a big part of your digital ad campaign in order to catch the potential patients who slip through the cracks.

8. Manage and adjust your campaigns

Digital ads are not by any means a “set it and forget it” marketing strategy. Google ads and social media ads alike should all be carefully monitored throughout the life of the campaign. Once the campaigns are running, you can make adjustments to the campaign itself to increase conversion and also run A/B testing to determine which ads perform the best and over time continue to rework and rebuild your digital ads for the highest effectiveness. It usually takes a considerable amount of trial and error to develop the best digital ad campaigns for your medical practice.