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7 Proven Ways to Turn Form Submissions Into Consultation

Published on
February 6, 2023
Last Updated
minute read
Christian Shepherd
Christian Shepherd
Content Strategist
/ Founder

As a plastic surgeon or aesthetic medical professional, converting form submissions into consultations is crucial to growing your practice and generating revenue. Today's digital landscape often makes website forms the first point of contact between potential patients and medical professionals. 

It is, therefore, absolutely critical to optimize your response to form submissions to increase the likelihood of converting potential patients into actual consultations.

I want to give you 7 simple but powerful ways to convert more of your form submissions into consultations. You work hard for every lead you get, so the last thing either of us want to see is those leads drying out once they make it to your inbox.

1. Respond Quickly

Tick-tock, tick-tock! The clock is ticking, and time is of the essence. The quicker you respond to a website form submission, the higher the likelihood that the potential patient will convert into a consultation. 

Why? Well, consider the digital age we live in. People expect prompt replies, especially when they're looking to invest in their appearance and well-being. In fact, 82% of consumers expect responses within 10 minutes.

Imagine yourself in their shoes: you've just submitted a form for a potentially life-changing procedure. You're excited and anxious, and you want to know more. 

If you receive a response within hours, you'll feel valued and reassured, knowing that the practice is efficient and attentive to your needs. 

On the other hand, a delayed response might make you second-guess your decision and explore other options. 

According to a study by Velocify, responding to a lead within the first minute of receiving the inquiry can increase the likelihood of converting the lead by 391%.

The faster you respond, the higher the likelihood of converting the potential patient into an actual consultation. Responding within 24 hours or less is ideal, but even then, waiting as little as 30 minutes could impact your conversion rates

Potential patients who reach out to you through your website are likely to be reaching out to other medical professionals. Responding quickly gives you a competitive advantage and shows potential patients that you're responsive, reliable, and committed to providing excellent patient care.

In addition, a prompt response can help establish trust between you and the potential patient. Responding quickly to inquiries makes the potential patient feel valued, respected, and cared for, setting a positive tone for the consultation.

2. Provide Value

When responding to website form submissions, providing valuable information is crucial to converting potential patients into consultations. Valuable information includes the benefits of the procedure the patient is interested in, how it works, and what to expect during the consultation. 

By providing valuable information, you establish yourself as an expert in your field, build trust with potential patients, and differentiate yourself from competitors.

It's essential to tailor your response to the patient's needs and concerns. Listen to their questions and concerns and provide personalized answers that address their specific situation.

For instance, if a potential patient is interested in liposuction, you could provide information on how the procedure works, the benefits, and what to expect during the recovery process. You can also provide before-and-after pictures or videos of previous patients to give them an idea of what they can expect.

By providing valuable information, you're not only educating the patient but also demonstrating your expertise and commitment to patient care.

3. Personalize Your Response

Let's face it – nobody likes to feel like they're just another number. Personalizing your response to website form submissions is another way to convert potential patients into consultations. 

Use the potential patient's name and any other relevant information they provided in the form to personalize your response. This approach helps establish a personal connection with the potential patient, making them feel valued, heard, and cared for.

If a potential patient mentions that they're interested in a tummy tuck because they've struggled to lose weight, you could acknowledge their situation and provide information about how a tummy tuck can help them achieve their desired results. By personalizing your response, you're showing potential patients that you care about their individual needs and concerns.

You can also use the patient's name throughout the conversation to make them feel seen and heard. Addressing the patient by name shows that you're paying attention and helps establish a personal connection.

4. Use Persuasive Language

While it's important to be informative and personal in your response, don't forget to sprinkle some persuasive magic into your words. Using this type of language in your response to website form submissions can increase the likelihood of converting potential patients into consultations. 

Highlight the benefits of the procedure and how it can improve the patient's life. Use language that appeals to the potential patient's emotions and desires, emphasizing the positive impact the procedure can have on their self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life.

Avoid being cheesy, though, like this: "With a natural-looking result, you'll be able to enjoy wearing the clothes you love and feeling great about your appearance. Imagine having the confidence to take on the world!"

There is a fine line between persuasive and campy, and it is important that you figure out how to navigate the line.

5. Inject Humor and Personality

Adding humor and personality to your responses can help you stand out from the competition and establish a personal connection with potential patients. Injecting humor into your responses shows that you're approachable, relatable, and not afraid to be yourself.

For example, instead of providing a dry response to a patient inquiry, you could say something like, "We're excited to speak with you about this procedure! Our office is full of coffee addicts, so we're always ready for a good chat. Let's set up a time to talk!"

By adding personality and humor to your response, you're making the potential patient feel comfortable and relaxed, setting a positive tone for the consultation.

6. Include a Call-to-Action

Including a call-to-action in your response to website form submissions is essential to converting potential patients into consultations. It encourages the potential patient to take the next step and book a consultation with you.

We wrote a whole article on CTA strategies, but we will break down the basic options for you here:

Direct CTA

An imperative statement used to inform the reader what action to take next.

"Sign up now"

Countdown CTA

A tool that helps drive urgency around a desired outcome by indicating the time left to take action.

"Only 24 hours left to get 50% off!"

Explainer CTA

Encourages people to engage with content or websites by educating the reader with background information.

"Learn more about our services here."

Shock Value CTA

Provokes an emotional reaction through striking language or imagery, making the customer aware of their need for the product or service.

"Our CEO Did WHAT to Our Prices?!"

Incentivized CTA

Encourages patients to take action in exchange for an incentive, such as a discount or free product.

"Get 20% off your first treatment when you book now!"

Firework CTA

Involves using interactive elements on the web page to draw users' attention to important information and encourage them to take action.

"Click the button to see the amazing results for yourself!"

Wordplay CTA

Uses phrases or ideas that feature metaphors, similes, puns, motifs, or contextual messages to make a point.

"Say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles with our 'wrinkle-free guarantee'!"

Scarcity CTA

Emphasizes limited availability to build urgency and drive high conversions.

"Only 5 spots left for our special promotion!"

We Got You Covered CTA

A sincere approach that reassures the reader that they can get help if they need it.

"We're here to help you with any questions you have - contact us today!"

7. Follow Up

Following up with potential patients who haven't responded to your initial response is essential to converting form submissions into consultations. This shows that you're interested in helping them achieve their desired results and committed to providing excellent patient care.

When following up, use language that emphasizes the importance of booking a consultation and the benefits of doing so. For example, you could say something like, "We wanted to follow up with you to see if you're still interested in learning more about breast augmentation. Booking a consultation with us is the first step in achieving your desired results and feeling great about your appearance."

It's essential to follow up with potential patients within a few days of the initial response. Following up too soon or too late can result in the potential patient feeling pressured or ignored.

In addition, you can use different methods to follow up with potential patients. Phone calls, text messages, and emails are all effective ways to follow up. Consider the patient's preferred method of communication when deciding which method to use.