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4 Misconceptions of Social Media for Medical Aesthetic Practices

Published on
January 31, 2023
Last Updated
minute read
Christian Shepherd
Christian Shepherd
Content Strategist
/ Founder

Are you a medical aesthetic practice that believes social media is not important for your medical practice? Do you think it’s only for younger generations or that it’s only effective for promoting discounts and sales? Do you believe every social media campaign is the same? Are you tired of this excessive line of questioning?

If your answer to any of these is yes, we got some news for you. All four of these are nothing more than misconceptions. 

“Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not f*cking real.” - Matthew McConaughey, Wolf of Wall Street

Don’t worry though, we’ll debunk them so that you can get back to growing your practice and patient pool. Just sit back, relax, and get ready to learn something.

Misconception 1: Social media is not important for medical aesthetic practices

Of course not. Why would you want to reach potential clients where they spend the majority of their time? It’s not like social media is one of the most effective ways to promote your services and engage with your audience. 

Except for the fact that it is, though.

Average Daily Social Media Use in 2022: 147 Minutes

Social media can help you reach a wider audience than just your current clients. By using hashtags and running targeted ads, you can reach potential clients who may not have heard of your practice otherwise. 

There are a ton of other benefits as well, but we will cover those down below.

For now though, just do your best not to overlook its power. It's an essential part of any successful marketing strategy for medical aesthetic practices.

Misconception 2: Social media is only for younger generations

Ah, yes. Social media is only for those young kids. After all, older generations aren’t as tech-savvy, right? 


According to Statista, the average daily time spent on mobile social media apps tends to increase with age, with the highest average being for the 40-44 age group. That’s right, even the over-50s are spending over 56 minutes a day on social media. 

Average Daily Time Spent on Mobile Social Media Apps (in minutes)

Age Group / Minutes

0-19 / 49.12

20-24 / 49.80

25-29 / 55.58

30-34 / 58.35

35-39 / 59.28

40-44 / 59.85

45-49 / 59.23

50-99 / 56.43

So, if you think social media is only for younger generations, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach potential clients of all ages.
If you are interested in seeing how targeted social media campaigns can generate huge profits, you can read through our Melbourne Institute of Plastic Surgery Case Study, where Incredible used Instagram to grow the practice from 100 to 500 breast procedures per year.

Misconception 3: Social media is only effective for promoting discounts or sales

Sure, social media can be great for promoting discounts and sales, but is that all it’s good for? 

Absolutely not.

At its core, social media is about building relationships with your audience. By providing valuable content, engaging with your followers, and creating a sense of community, you're not only increasing brand loyalty but also establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

For medical aesthetic practices, this means creating content that educates and informs your audience about your procedures and services. You can share before-and-after photos, answer frequently asked questions, and provide tips and advice on skincare and beauty. 

By doing so, you're demonstrating your expertise and positioning yourself as a trusted authority in the industry.

Social media also allows you to engage with your audience on a more personal level. Responding to comments and messages, sharing user-generated content, and even running contests and giveaways can help you build a sense of community and loyalty around your brand.

Misconception 4: Social media is a one-size-fits-all strategy

It might be true for your spanks, but social media and spanks are different in, well, a lot of ways, I guess.

Every business is unique, and that means your social media strategy should be too. Your target audience, brand messaging, and goals all play a role in determining the best approach for your social media presence.

"The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits them and sells itself." - Peter Drucker

For example, if your target audience is primarily women over 40, then you may want to focus on Facebook and Instagram rather than TikTok or Snapchat. If your brand messaging is centered around luxury and exclusivity, then you may want to focus on high-quality visuals and aspirational content.

It's important to tailor your social media strategy to your specific business and audience to maximize its effectiveness. Otherwise, you may be wasting time and resources on tactics that don't resonate with your audience.

Not to mention, look at how much variance there is between social media channels and why people use them alone:

Most popular social networks worldwide as of January 2023, ranked by number of monthly active users (in millions)

Facebook / 2,958

YouTube / 2,514

WhatsApp* / 2,000

Instagram / 2,000

WeChat / 1,309

TikTok / 1,051

Facebook Messenger / 931

Douyin** / 715

Telegram / 700

Snapchat / 635

Kuaishou / 626

Sina Weibo / 584

QQ / 574

Twitter / 556

Pinterest / 445

Most popular reasons for internet users worldwide to use social media as of 3rd quarter 2022 in %

Keeping in touch with friends and family / 47.10

Filling spare time / 36.20

Reading news stories / 34.20

Finding content (E.g. articles, videos) / 30.30

Seeing what's being talked about / 28.80

Finding inspiration for things to do and buy / 27.30

Finding products to purchase / 25.90

Watching live streams / 23.70

Sharing and discussing opinions with others / 23.40

Making new contacts / 23

Seeing content for your favorite brands / 22.70

Work-related networking and research / 22

Watching or following sports / 21.80

Finding like-minded communities and interest groups / 21.40

Posting about your life / 21.30

Following celebrities or influencers / 20.80

Avoiding missing out on things (FOMO) / 20.30

Supporting and connecting with good causes / 16.10

Ready to Take Advantage of Social Media Marketing?

We are glad to hear it, boomer. You can give us a call at (800) 949-0133 or schedule a one-on-one. Our Incredible Educators are here to help you, anytime, for free. We can break it down for you and tell you exactly how we should be utilizing your social channels.